Thursday, July 13, 2006

See a film of Eli Siegel conducting a class--and there is more!

Wed., September 20, 7:30 pm
Call 212 777 4490 to make reservations

On August 13 and August 23 in New York City there will be an event of the utmost beauty and urgency: Film--and "The Art of Enjoying Justice!" by Emmy-Award winning filmmaker Ken Kimmelman. Altogether, five of Mr. Kimmelman's films will be shown, including Brushstrokes and Hot Afternoons Have Been in Montana. Download the flyer or go to the Aesthetic Realism Foundation website for more information.
Also, see a biography of Eli Siegel, poet, critic, philosopher, and founder of Aesthetic Realism. And see the faculty biography of Ellen Reiss, who is the Class Chairman of Aesthetic Realism, and whom I have the great pleasure and honour of studying with in the classes she teaches for Aesthetic Realism consultants and associates.

Some of my favourite links are the following:

Injustice can certainly be based on race, but it can also be based simply on seeing another person's way of meeting the world as different from one's own, and therefore less valuable. And about this, a person can be monumentally wrong. A classic instance of this in literary history is taken up by Ellen Reiss in relation to the great poet John Keats. And she shows the immediate relevance of this mis-seeing to our own lives and time.

Read Ellen Reiss's critical observations about the poetry of Robert Burns (one of my favourite poets). She shows how relevant what Burns was writing about 200 years ago is to what is going on today. His poetry has the terrifically just way of seeing people that is needed by government leaders and every one of us.Aesthetic Realism explains that in order to really respect any person, whether someone of another culture or your own husband or wife, is to see that person as representing nothing less than the world itself. How can we see a person that way? Look at Eli Siegel's Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites? Ask yourself, does this person have opposites? Do they have every one of these fifteen pairs? (And more besides?) Is he/she trying to make sense of how they have these opposites?

To see what Aesthetic Realism is--and what it is not--see the website devoted to accuracy, honesty, justice--the plain truth!: Countering the Lies.

One of my favourite links is to syndicated columnist Alice Bernstein. Her writing against racism has Aesthetic Realism as its basis.