Sunday, January 23, 2005

The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method

Since 1982 I have been a teacher in New York City, one of the most ethnically-diverse places on earth. In the past twenty-three years I've seen first-hand that the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method brings out greater kindness between young people, elicits their desire to be fair to each other, including those of different ethnic backgrounds, rather than mean--and this happens through study of the subject itself.
That is what happens, I'm grateful to say, in the classes I teach, one of which I'll describe soon. First, I'm including some links about this teaching method, including articles about it in the news.

The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method: Students Learn, Prejudice Is Defeated!, by elementary school teacher Lori Colavito

Prejudice Changes to Respect: The Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method, by junior high school teacher Barbara McClung

The Success of the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method: Students Learn, Prejudice Is Defeated! by elementary school teacher and Aesthetic Realism consultant Patricia Martone

The Philippine Post has an important article by science teacher Rosemary Plumstead on the blood and how teaching this subject countered racism and encouraged respect for the world in her students.

Educational Method Is Poetic, a lecture by Eli Siegel that is a must-read for educators of all levels, is published in the journal The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known

Important websites against racism:
1. Aesthetic Realism; Or, Why I Love Teaching Art, by Donita Ellison
2. Alan Shapiro, Aesthetic Realism Associate, Jazz Pianist, Music Educator
3. Articles About Art and Life, as Explained by Aesthetic Realism, the weblog of Aesthetic Realism consultant Miriam Mondlin

AND this is the link to the Aesthetic Realism Teaching Method Workshop--the new semester began this past Saturday, January 22 at 12:30 pm. It takes place every other Saturday so the next class will be on February 5. You should call ahead to request to audit. I thoroughly recommend it both for new teachers and for veterans; what you learn will have you see big, new things about the subject you teach and have you better able to meet the hopes of students in 2005, including by really exciting their interest in the subject, be it math, English, history, science, physical education, or anything else.

The next public seminar on this method will take place in May. See the Chronicle of Higher Education.

My article will follow shortly.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Aesthetic Realism and "The Heart Knows Better"

Ken Kimmelman, Aesthetic Realism consultant and noted filmmaker, won an Emmy for his anti-prejudice film, The Heart Knows Better. Based on a statement by the founder of Aesthetic Realism, Eli Siegel, it is an invaluable resource for every person hoping to improve relations between different ethnic groups. Mr. Kimmelman is also one of the speakers this coming Friday in "Artists Talk on Art" at the School of Visual Arts. (New York City)

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Aesthetic Realism; or, Is a Person an Aesthetic Situation?

On her website, Aesthetic Realism consultant and actress Anne Fielding reproduces the transcript of an interview of Eli Siegel by Lewis Nicholls of the New York Times Book Review.
While the word "race" is not used, it is nonetheless a terrific refutation of racism, because it shows that every person, of whatever colour, age, background, religion, country--has nothing less than the structure of the world in common.

See the tribute by the Hon. Elijah E. Cummings, one of today's leading voices for ethics and justice in the US House of Representatives concerning Eli Siegel's crucial contributions to the understanding and fighting of racism.

Also, I suggest that you visit the website of distinguished anthropologist and Aesthetic Realism consultant Arnold Perey,Ph.D., A New Perspective for Anthropology: The Aesthetic Realism Method. Dr. Perey is breaking important new ground on this subject, including with Gwe, Young Man of New Guinea, his deep, kind novel against racism.

Read an important lecture on the subject of World War I, racism, and the play "The Miracle of Verdun," by Hans Chlumberg at the home page of Aesthetic Realism Associate Lynette Abel.

AND, essayist Ruth Oron, whose important articles about what can end the bloodshed between Israelis and Palestinians have been published far and wide, tells of what she has learned from Aesthetic Realism on her website.

You can see my article, which is based on what I have learned from Aesthetic Realism, in the archives of The Tribune, one of India's leading daily newspapers.

More Important Links:

More about Aesthetic Realism:
Ellen Reiss, in addition to teaching the Aesthetic Realism Explanation of Poetry Class, teaches classes attended by Aesthetic Realism consultants and associates, including myself. I have seen and marveled at her unfailing desire to understand every person and every situation. For instance, look at the class in which she discussed a newspaper article about what is known as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). She said, "The question is whether this trouble of a child—trouble keeping his attention on a thing, which may be joined by a desire to race around—comes from a way of seeing the whole world. Is there a fight about the world in this child? Whether you're seventy-nine or a boy of four, you have an attitude to the whole world." There was such respect for the mind of a child, as Barbara McClung and Lauren Phillips describe in their account of the class. Read more here.

Ellen Reiss has also been commenting, using the principles of Aesthetic Realism, on the upsurge of racism in these years. To see more about this, read the article by Alice Bernstein. In Racism Can End Ms.Reiss writes about about how a way of seeing the world affects a person's way of seeing someone whose culture or ethnic background is different from one's own. What could be more important for people to understand in today's world?

Some of my favourite links are the following:
Read Ellen Reiss's critical observations about the poetry of Robert Burns (one of my favourite poets). She shows how relevant what Burns was writing about 200 years ago is to what is going on today. His poetry has the terrifically just way of seeing people that is needed by government leaders and every one of us.

Aesthetic Realism explains that in order to really respect any person, whether someone of another culture or your own husband or wife, is to see that person as representing nothing less than the world itself. How can we see a person that way? Look at Eli Siegel's Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites? Ask yourself, does this person have opposites? Do they have every one of these fifteen pairs? (And more besides?) Is he/she trying to make sense of how they have these opposites?

Injustice can be based on race, but it can also be based simply on seeing another person's way of meeting the world as different from one's own, and therefore less valuable. And about this, a person can be monumentally wrong. A classic instance of this in literary history is taken up by Ellen Reiss in relation to the great poet John Keats. She also shows the immediate relevance of this mis-seeing to our own lives and time.

One of my favourite links is to columnist and civil rights advocate Alice Bernstein. (See her article above) Her writing against racism has Aesthetic Realism as its basis.

To see what Aesthetic Realism is--and what it is not--see the website devoted to accuracy, honesty, justice--the plain truth!: Countering the Lies.

The Aesthetic Realism Online Library has poems, lectures, reviews, essays, and selections from other major works by Eli Siegel. There are also articles in the press and media about the founder of Aesthetic Realism.

Aesthetic Realism: A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology is the website of celebrated cultural anthropologist and novelist Arnold Perey, PhD.

At Aesthetic Realism Resources there are articles on many subjects that concern people today such as love, self-expression, current events, economics, the arts, racism and much, much more.

The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known is the international periodical read by everyone who wants to understand what is going on in America today. Edited by Ellen Reiss, The Right Of serialises lectures by Eli Siegel and shows how they comment on current events such as the unprecedented growth of personal debt as well as our own questions and hopes as individuals.

See photographs with moving commentary and technical insight at Len Bernstein: Photographic Education Based on the Aesthetic Realism of Eli Siegel

Important writings on economics, history, the questions of women, art, literature and more can be seen at Lynette Abel: Aesthetic Realism and Life.

The website of Aesthetic Realism Consultant Miriam Mondlin is here: Aesthetic Realism Encourages Self-Expression.

For teachers especially, we suggest you get to know the work of noted educators Rosemary Plumstead and Donita Ellison. They are two of the finest teachers I've ever known.

To find out what is true about the kind, intellectually-rigorous philosophy that is Aesthetic Realism go to this website which sets the record straight and has, for the public record, the assessment of dozens of noted critics, poets, cultural icons, social scientists, civil rights leaders, artists, teachers, and more, and more: Friends of Aesthetic Realism--Countering the Lies

Saturday, January 08, 2005

Aesthetic Realism and the Answer to Racism

I am extremely proud to be one of the co-authors of "Aesthetic Realism and the Answer to Racism." This book, compiled by journalist Alice Bernstein, includes what I see as the definitive work on the subject: "The Equality of Man," by Eli Siegel, first published in 1923. Eli Siegel, the American poet, critic, and educator, was the founder of Aesthetic Realism.

See the tribute by the Hon. Elijah E. Cummings, one of today's leading voices for ethics and justice in the US House of Representatives concerning Eli Siegel's crucial contributions to the understanding and fighting of racism.

Also, I suggest that you visit the website of distinguished anthropologist and Aesthetic Realism consultant Arnold Perey,Ph.D., A New Perspective for Anthropology: The Aesthetic Realism Method. Dr. Perey is breaking important new ground on this subject, including with Gwe, Young Man of New Guinea, his deep, kind novel against racism.

Read an important lecture on the subject of World War I, racism, and the play "The Miracle of Verdun," by Hans Chlumberg at the home page of Aesthetic Realism Associate Lynette Abel.

AND, essayist Ruth Oron, whose important articles about what can end the bloodshed between Israelis and Palestinians have been published far and wide, tells of what she has learned from Aesthetic Realism on her website.

You can see my article, which is based on what I have learned from Aesthetic Realism, in the archives of The Tribune, one of India's leading daily newspapers.

More Important Links:

More about Aesthetic Realism:Ellen Reiss, in addition to teaching the Aesthetic Realism Explanation of Poetry Class, teaches classes attended by Aesthetic Realism consultants and associates, including myself. I have seen and marveled at her unfailing desire to understand every person and every situation. For instance, look at the class in which she discussed a newspaper article about what is known as ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). She said, "The question is whether this trouble of a child—trouble keeping his attention on a thing, which may be joined by a desire to race around—comes from a way of seeing the whole world. Is there a fight about the world in this child? Whether you're seventy-nine or a boy of four, you have an attitude to the whole world." There was such respect for the mind of a child, as Barbara McClung and Lauren Phillips describe in their account of the class. Read more here.

Ellen Reiss has also been commenting, using the principles of Aesthetic Realism, on the upsurge of racism in these years. To see more about this, read the article by Alice Bernstein. Also, in Racism Can End Ellen Reiss writes about about how a way of seeing the world affects a person's way of seeing someone whose culture or ethnic background is different from one's own. What could be more important for people to understand in today's world?

Some of my favourite links are the following:Read Ellen Reiss's critical observations about the poetry of Robert Burns (one of my favourite poets). She shows how relevant what Burns was writing about 200 years ago is to what is going on today. His poetry has the terrifically just way of seeing people that is needed by government leaders and every one of us.

Injustice can be based on race, but it can also be based simply on seeing another person's way of meeting the world as different from one's own, and therefore less valuable. And about this, a person can be monumentally wrong. A classic instance of this in literary history is taken up by Ellen Reiss in relation to the great poet John Keats. She also shows the immediate relevance of this mis-seeing to our own lives and time.

Aesthetic Realism explains that in order to really respect any person, whether someone of another culture or your own husband or wife, is to see that person as representing nothing less than the world itself. How can we see a person that way? Look at Eli Siegel's Is Beauty the Making One of Opposites? Ask yourself, does this person have opposites? Do they have every one of these fifteen pairs? (And more besides?) Is he/she trying to make sense of how they have these opposites?

One of my favourite links is to columnist and civil rights advocate Alice Bernstein. (See her article above) Her writing against racism has Aesthetic Realism as its basis.

The Aesthetic Realism Online Library has poems, lectures, reviews, essays, and selections from other major works by Eli Siegel. There are also articles in the press and media about the founder of Aesthetic Realism.

To see what Aesthetic Realism is--and what it is not--see the website devoted to accuracy, honesty, justice--the plain truth!: Countering the Lies.

At Aesthetic Realism Resources there are articles on many subjects that concern people today such as love, self-expression, current events, economics, the arts, racism and much, much more.

Aesthetic Realism: A New Perspective for Anthropology & Sociology is the website of celebrated cultural anthropologist and novelist Arnold Perey, PhD.

The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known is the international periodical read by everyone who wants to understand what is going on in America today. Edited by Ellen Reiss, The Right Of serialises lectures by Eli Siegel and shows how they comment on current events such as the unprecedented growth of personal debt as well as our own questions and hopes as individuals.

Important writings on economics, history, the questions of women, art, literature and more can be seen at Lynette Abel: Aesthetic Realism and Life.

See photographs with moving commentary and technical insight at Len Bernstein: Photographic Education Based on the Aesthetic Realism of Eli Siegel

For teachers especially, we suggest you get to know the work of noted educators Rosemary Plumstead and Donita Ellison. They are two of the finest teachers I've ever known.

The website of Aesthetic Realism Consultant Miriam Mondlin is here: Aesthetic Realism Encourages Self-Expression.

To find out what is true about the kind, intellectually-rigorous philosophy that is Aesthetic Realism go to this website which sets the record straight and has, for the public record, the assessment of dozens of noted critics, poets, cultural icons, social scientists, civil rights leaders, artists, teachers, and more, and more: Friends of Aesthetic Realism--Countering the Lies