Sunday, April 03, 2005

Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company

The Aesthetic Realism Theatre Company presents lectures by Eli Siegel on works by Shakespeare, Moliere, Ibsen, Strindberg and others that include dramatic excerpts from the plays, acted with a depth and subtlety that is rare. Every time I'm fortunate enough to be in the audience I come away feeling satisfied and stirred and ALWAYS with a new sense of respect for people of all races.

The next production (Sunday, April 10) is a comedy, Sheridan's "School for Scandal." It is remarkable both in the understanding of the playwrite, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, and also because it is uproarious and moving. With its polished and rapier-like 18th-century style, it explains something that is affecting people all over America right now -- the way politicians and the ordinary man or woman in the street can be so careless with truth, and have such a THIRST for gossip. Here is the flyer to

As you can see if you followed the link, Sheridan will be accompanied by Handel, in Barbara Allen and Edward Green's "What Can Chamber Music Tell Us About Social Life?-- Handel's Flute Sonata in G Major" If you have ever wondered why music can bring tears to your eyes, come on Sunday and find out the answer!